Wedding in Civita di Bagnoregio

Place: Civita Di Bagnoregio, Viterbo-Italia

Dressing Rooms Bride : Acqua di Civita

Dressing Room Groom: BeB San Donato

Catering : Enoteca La torre Catering

Flowers: Sartoria Floreale

Lights: Roma Sound Service

VideoMaker : Giulia Selvaggini

Location: Palazzo Monaldeschi

Dress Bride: Pronovias

Photographer : Enrico Diviziani Wedding Photographer Born in Civita di Bagnoregio!

Wedding in Civita di Bagnoregio, we are at the beginning of September, the days are getting shorter and the heat decreases, one of the best months to celebrate a wedding. It was a day full of expectations, and I was pawing inside myself, to start this fantastic tale.

A Wedding in Civita di Bagnoregio is a magical medieval hilltop town, located north of Rome.

This stunning little gem, called “The dying city,” is found in a spectacular location, isolated at the top of a crest rising high above a vast canyon ruled by wind and erosion, and connected to the rest of the world by a long pedestrian bridge, which has appeared in many famous movies.

It’s a unique location for a destination wedding in Italy for Wedding in Civita di Bagnoregio

V is a beautiful bride and very comfortable with her in front of the lens, I could not wait to photograph her, the shots in my opinion very elegant represent V at best, I hope she will love these photographs. The entrance to the church was so exciting, V was also moved, after the rite, we took some time to make the part of the YouandMe among the mice of wedding in Civita Di Bagnoregio, V & amp; F let themselves be directed, by we photographers and videomakers, and then we started to go down from the bridge of Civita di Bagnoregio, there I knew that there would be a wonderful sunset and I played with the lights, with beautiful “flares”.

We then arrived at the Location in Palazzo Monaldeschi not far from Civita di Bagnoregio, everything was perfect, a Parisienne-style fairytale, a unique atmosphere, thanks to the impeccable work of Enoteca LaTorre, Sartoria Floreale, the musical concepts and the architectural lights of Roma Sound Service. The dinner room, the imperial tables, the figures, the chandeliers, the candles, the “mise en place” made the rest magical. In conclusion, between the spectacle of the fans and the disco they contributed to creating a wedding, unique, personalized and that will surely remain a job to which it will always be linked. Luxury Wedding Palazzo Monaldeschi

Definitely one of my best works, I have really cared for and cared for this wedding of V & amp; F. V is a very romantic girl, who has always dreamed of this day, and she has always dreamed of it here, in Civita di Bagnoregio, I remember her stories about her on her Instagram, with the background always Civita di Bagnoregio. I appreciated it so much, together with V they took care of every little detail, nothing was left to chance, and for a photographer like me, this means a lot, you work with a lot of passion, and you continually find hints and ideas.

For The photo in question is the one with the helper who seems to start the dinner, it’s a shot that I caught, in a fraction of a second, the helper was there by chance and turning my eye, I saw this fantastic shot on the ” mise en place “.

Scrolling through the reportage you can see how the blue present in the first photo of Civita is remembered in the dressing and in some glazes even within the ceremony, the entire narrative reportage progressively finds warmer tones, it is a constant chromatic change gradually that the day unfolds.

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The building, which remained the property of the Monaldeschi family for more than 500 years, did not undergo significant renovations over the centuries; except for ordinary maintenance work and essential aesthetic retouches, it retained its original appearance, typical of the early Middle Ages, until the end of the 17th century.

Paolo Antonio Monaldeschi, the last male heir of the family, decided to completely renovate the palace, substantially modifying its aesthetics as well as its dimensions. He thus entrusted the famous architect of the time, Giovan Battista Gazale di Vignanello (an emulant of Juvarra), who, in a Baroque style in the style of Juvarra, completely redesigned the building, moving the main entrance from the west to the south, in front of the square overlooking the Valle dei Calanchi.

Gazale gave the building a decidedly new layout, transforming the old manor house into a residence according to the dictates and taste typical of the patrician villas of the Roman and upper Lazio area, the hanging garden on the piano nobile, the hedge geometries of the Italian garden, the large reception rooms, the richness of the decorations and the perspective plays of the architecture; all in respect of a sober dimension, aimed at impressing the guests for whom it was intended.

The name of PAOLUS ANTONIUS MONALDENSIS is inscribed on one of the palace’s interior doors as an epigraph commemorating this renovation. It is certain to state that this personage was the lover of Queen Christina of Sweden who was already her guest in the Palace. Not as certain, however, is the content of the legend that claims Christina was the cause of his death.

The only two daughters of Paolo Antonio Monaldeschi were both joined in marriage to the Bourbon Del Monte Santa Maria, of Florence, a family originally linked to the Bourbons of France. (The assembled coat of arms of the new lineage, with the Bourbons’ fleur-de-lis united with the Monaldeschi’s gold and azure greek stands out on the front of the basin in the fountain of Venus (at the end of the entrance court). The new settlement allowed the extension of Lubriano’s properties, which stretched from the Tiber (East) to Lake Bolsena (West) and from Porano di Orvieto (North) to beyond Bagnoregio (South).

Nothing more remained in the name of the Monaldeschi della Cervara; with Paolo Antonio, not only was this branch of the family extinct, which from 1110 to 1400 had certainly been the most important of the lineage, but also the other branches of the Monaldeschi della Vipera, Monaldeschi del Cane and Monaldeschi dell’Aquila . This was the end of the family to which the most glorious part of the noble history is linked, amply described in the book ‘LIBERO COMUNE di ORVIETO’ (note 1)

An abiatica Bourbon del Monte Santa Maria di Paolo Antonio Monaldeschi married, we are at the end of the 19th century, an heir of Prince Boncompagni Ludovisi of Rome, bringing a dowry of Palazzo Monaldeschi . L

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